Trout Creek Adventist School

Awaken a love for God, a desire for learning, and service to others.

Support TCAS

We want to thank everyone who supports our school.  You make a big difference for a lot of families!  Here are just some of the ways you can partner with us.  It takes a village to keep all the many aspects of a private school running smoothly.  We sure appreciate all your help.


School work Bee (august)



Amazon Smile (ALL YEAR LONG)


Spaghetti Dinner & Bridge Contest (WINTER)

December 7, 2023 - watch for more details 


Farmers' Market (SPRING/SUMMER)

Parents are invited to help their students run their own booths this year  There is a $1,00 fee for a child's booth.  Home & School will not be coordinating a joint school booth this summer (2023). 



Contact Maurita Crew if you'd like to make a direct donation to Trout Creek Adventist School.  Your generosity makes a big difference for our school.  Thank you.